The Hannity Reveal Was Huge News — But Everyone Missed The Most Important Point

BY DAVID SNYDER — When a federal judge ordered President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, to disclose in open court the fact that he considers Fox News host Sean Hannity a client, the Trump Era outrage-industrial complex shifted into high gear. Seeing evidence of some nefarious Deep State plot to embarrass Trump and his confederates, conservative commentators criticized Judge Kimba Wood for requiring the information to be disclosed, while many on the Left reacted

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FAC Victory in “Reverse CPRA” Case: Court Orders Disclosure of Records Alleging Misconduct by Milpitas City Official

In an important win for government transparency, a Santa Clara Superior Court judge has ruled that the city of Milpitas must release documents relating to allegations of serious misconduct by former city manager Tom Williams. The city originally withheld the documents based in part on a “reverse California Public Record Act” lawsuit filed by Williams more than a year ago. Judge Sunil Kulkarni’s order ends Williams’ “reverse CPRA” lawsuit by vacating a temporary restraining order

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FAC Supports CA Senate Bill 1244 to Protect Public Records Requesters

The First Amendment Coalition supports a bill to be heard next week in the California Senate Judiciary Committee that would help prevent abusive litigation by public agencies against members of the public who request records under the California Public Records Act (CPRA). SB 1244 would amend the CPRA in two important ways. First, it would make clear that a public agency cannot bring a lawsuit against a member of the public in order to force

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FAC Receives Three-Year, $375,000 Grant From Jonathan Logan Family Foundation

The First Amendment Coalition today announced that the Jonathan Logan Family Foundation has committed $375,000 over the next three years to support FAC’s work defending free speech and the public’s right to know. “FAC is grateful to the Jonathan Logan Family Foundation for this vital and substantial gift, which provides us with a solid foundation from which to expand our work,” said FAC Executive Director David Snyder. “The fact that Jon Logan first supported our

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FAC Helps Defeat Effort by School District to Recover Nearly $500K in Attorneys Fees From Records Requester

A court in Hayward, CA yesterday denied an unprecedented effort by a public school district to recover nearly half a million dollars in attorneys fees from a woman who had requested public records from the district. Alameda County Superior Court Judge Jeffrey Brand ruled that the motion by the Newark Unified School District to recover $449, 317.60 from Elizabeth Brazil must be denied because NUSD’s effort conflicted with the California Public Records Act, which allows

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