Planned Giving Legacy Society
Making A Lasting Contribution
Like your everyday actions, your charitable gifts have an impact on others.
Perhaps you have considered a charitable legacy to continue your philanthropy beyond your lifetime, to have your family remembered, and your philanthropy is woven into the lives of others. With a legacy gift, you can.
We invite you to make your philanthropy endure through a planned gift to FAC and join the First Amendment Coalition-Legacy Society.
To discuss adding FAC to your estate plans, please get in touch with us at Legacy Gifts, 707-295-8007.
Making A Lasting Contribution
Like your everyday actions, your charitable gifts have an impact on others.
Perhaps you have considered a charitable legacy to continue your philanthropy beyond your lifetime, to have your family remembered, and your philanthropy is woven into the lives of others. With a legacy gift, you can.
We invite you to make your philanthropy endure through a planned gift to FAC and join the First Amendment Coalition-Legacy Society.
To discuss adding FAC to your estate plans, please get in touch with us at Legacy Gifts, 707-295-8007.
Creating A Legacy
As an economist and law professor at UCLA, I’ve realized that freedom-of-information laws are crucial to good policy-making and government accountability. The First Amendment Coalition (FAC) thoughtfully and honestly advances the cause of government disclosure and transparency. I can’t think of another institution where my investment can have a bigger impact on the future evolution of our democratic society. That’s why I have included FAC in my estate planning, to help ensure that this vital work is supported for years and years to come.”
Richard Sander
Professor, UCLA School of Law
“Now more than ever, the work of the First Amendment Coalition is needed to fight for the openness that is essential to the functioning of a democracy. That’s why we have included FAC in our will.”
Karl Olson and
Carolyn Johnston
Partner, Cannata, O'Toole, Fickes & Olson and FAC Board Member
“We’ve included the First Amendment Coalition in our estate planning because we know the need for transparency in government will not end with our deaths. One of the best ways to ensure that non-profits like FAC keep fighting for openness and the public’s right to know is to include FAC generously in your estate planning. We know of many non-profits doing good work precisely because former members have bequeathed legacy gifts to them. The good work FAC does must not end with us!”
Rowland and Pat Rebele
REtired Newspaper Publisher, and FAC Board Member
About the Legacy Society
Legal Name: First Amendment Coalition
EIN: 33-0308483.
534 Fourth St., Suite B, San Rafael, CA 94901
It is an estate planning best practice to include both the legal name and tax identification number in any will or trust documentation.
The First Amendment Coalition-Legacy Society Annual Meeting brings together members for a “State of the First Amendment” presentation from FAC leadership.
With permission, First Amendment Coalition-Legacy Society members are featured on First Amendment Coalition’s website and highlighted in our Community Newsletter.
The First Amendment Coalition-Legacy Society Annual Meeting brings together members for a “State of the First Amendment” presentation from FAC leadership.
With permission, First Amendment Coalition-Legacy Society members are featured on First Amendment Coalition’s website and highlighted in our Community Newsletter.
Planned giving - Options
Including FAC In Your Estate Plan
There are various options for creating your charitable legacy, including ways to help you save on taxes and make your contributions go further. Consider how these choices best fit your individual needs and goals.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Charitable Remainder Trusts
This charitable strategy pays the donor and named beneficiaries' income until the trust matures and the remainder passes to the First Amendment Coalition. Cash, securities, and appreciated real estate are transferred to the trust, and a diversified investment portfolio is established to generate income for the donor. The donor receives an income tax deduction for a portion of the assets contributed to the trust and pays no capital gains tax on the transfer.
There are two types of Charitable Remainder Trusts
Annuity Trust: You receive stable, predictable income annually based on a fixed percentage of donated original assets.
Unitrust Trust: You receive income annually that varies based on a fixed percentage of the value of the investments revalued annually.
IRA or Retirement plan
IRA or Individual Retirement Plan
These plans offer significant tax benefits while you are living. However, at your death, the tax costs of these assets can be immense. One way to save your family and heirs from these costs is to make a charitable contribution using these assets.
Name the First Amendment Coalition as the beneficiary of your IRA or Retirement Plan so that your heirs will not have to pay the income taxes you have avoided during your lifetime. In addition, your heirs will not have to pay estate taxes on the value of your retirement vehicles. By naming the First Amendment Coalition as the beneficiary of your Retirement Plan or IRA, your family, and heirs will avoid this double taxation.