News & Opinion

Free speech: Police officer gets desk duty over indiscreet posting on Facebook

Free speech rights of police officers in the social media are clashing with their law enforcement responsibilities as illustrated by a recent case in Albuquerque where a police officer listed his occupation on Facebook as “human waste disposal.” A TV station discovered the gaffe after the officer was involved in a fatal off-duty shooting in February. In response to this and other instances across the country, police departments are developing social media policies. The courts have supported

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Senate committee wants stiffer penalties for leakers of classified information

The Senate Intelligence Committee wants to deprive current or former employees of federal intelligence agencies of their pensions if they illegally disclose classified information. The change was proposed after complaints that leakers faced no serious consequences for their actions. In a dissenting statement , Oregon Senator Ron Wyden wrote that he feared that the new penalties would discourage whistleblowers, “My concern is that giving intelligence agency heads the authority to take away the pensions of

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Opinion: Columnist warns of conservative political correctness

While a Chicago Tribune columnist affirms the value of transparency, he can’t help questioning the Wisconsin’s Republican Party’s Freedom of Information Act request for the e-mails of a university professor two days after the professor posted a “study guide” to conservative think tanks on his personal blog. In an op-ed for the Chicago Tribune, Clarence Page writes that the conservatives are fishing for “e-mail evidence that would catch professors in the act of politicking over

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California metro to use new marketing strategy through iPad apps

The publishing company Freedom Interactive with 28 newspapers and eight TV stations is planning to employ a new marketing strategy beginning with the OC Register in California. The Register will use an iPad platform to present news and interactive ads. The new strategy calls for greater use of syndicate news content to appeal to the 35 to 45 age group and allowing readers to interact with advertising. Writing in Online Media Daily, Laurie Sullivan describes

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FDA whistleblowers claim e-mails deleted illegally

The National Whistleblowers Center and six current and former employees from the Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Health and Human Service are preparing to sue the federal agencies for deleting e-mails and withholding records. The employees are alleging that they reported problems to the agencies including pressure to reverse a decision about the safety of a medical device and were punished for the reports. To document their case, the employees are seeking

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