News & Opinion

Online free speech in danger in 2023

The U.S. Congress and state legislators made efforts to regulate online speech in 2022 while the U.S. Supreme Court will consider two cases, Twitter v. Taamneh and Gonzalez v. Google, that could result in rulings that would lead to censorship and restrictions on online speech. (Electronic Frontier Foundation, December 26, 2022, by Aaron Mackey and Joe Mullin) For related FAC coverage, click here, here and here.

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MAGA hat-wearer wins free speech ruling

The Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that Eric Dodge, a Washington state teacher, could pursue his First Amendment lawsuit challenging his principal’s disciplining him for wearing a MAGA hat to training sessions in 2019. (Jurist, December 30, 202, by Gwendolyn Devoy) The court said there was no disruption in wearing the hat, and if others felt offended by the hat, that did not override Dodge’s free speech rights. (Reuters, December 29, 2022, by

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Bill to protect journalist’s sources stymied in Congress

A bill to prevent the government from forcing journalists to disclose information including the identity of their sources was blocked by Republican senator Tom Cotton. (Mediaite, December 14, 2022, by Michael Luciano) Long time defender of journalists and whistleblowers Republican senator Chuck Grassley voiced his skepticism about the bill’s chance to pass this year and refused to say if Cotton had influenced him to block the bill. (Intercept, December 19, 2022, by Daniel Boguslaw) For

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Federal agencies not telling public how they process FOIA requests

Most federal agencies including Customs and Borders are not releasing their procedures for processing Freedom of Information Act requests. With these agencies delaying or stonewalling requests from journalists and the public, it is essential to learn how they handle requests. (Electric Frontier Foundation, December 16, 2022, by Beryl Lipton) For related FAC coverage, click here, here and here.

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