News & Opinion

California one of few states requiring timely reporting of medical errors

After errors causing the deaths of two patients, in 2007 California passed tough laws backed by substantial fines requiring hospitals to promptly report serious medical errors. California is one of only five states with laws requiring public reporting of errors including the health facilities responsible. -DB San Francisco Chronicle August 9, 2009 By Lance Williams In the summer of 2005, a 12-year-old girl with pneumonia died at the Kaiser hospital in Santa Clara when nurses accidentally

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Governor signs FAC-sponsored access bill

With encouragement from the California First Amendment Coalition, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed SB 786 that limits the ability of state and local governmental agencies to win fee awards from citizens bringing lawsuits under the state’s open government laws -DB Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law SB 768 on August 6 a measure vital to maintaining the ability of citizens to seek redress of open government violations by local and state agencies. The law provides that

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Federal judge upholds most of Louisiana law restricting lawyer advertising

A federal district judge said that Louisiana regulations of lawyer advertising on the internet violate the First Amendment but left in place other restrictions on their ads including those that use client testimonials and those that promise results. -DB ABA Journal August 4, 2009 By Debra Cassens Weiss A federal judge has upheld most of the new restrictions on advertising by Louisiana lawyers, but struck down two rules regulating Internet advertising. U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman

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Homeland Security wins praise for engaging public in planning

The Homeland Security Department held the first of three online dialogues this week to allow the public to comment on their long-term stratigic plans. -DB NextGov July 3, 2009 By Jill R. Aitoro The Homeland Security Department launched its first of three online dialogues on Monday that ask the public to comment on the department’s long-term strategic plans before they become official policy. The dialogue is part of DHS’ response to a request by Congress for

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FAC files amicus in US Sup Ct free speech / campaign contributions case

The First Amendment Coalition has filed an amicus brief in Citizens United v. FEC, the US Supreme Court case involving First Amendment challenges to federal campaign finance laws regulating corporate political speech during elections. The Court held this case over for re-argument in September and invited briefing on broader issues than the case originally had been thought to present—including whether to overturn several leading Supreme Court precedents in the campaign finance-freedom of speech area. Our

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