Coalition News

FAC & Reporters Committee file briefs in Apple v. Samsung secrecy appeal

The First Amendment Coalition on Monday filed an amicus brief in an appeal of a secrecy ruling in the Apple v. Samsung patent infringement litigation. FAC is participating to defend the trial judge’s ruling directing the unsealing of certain confidential financial records filed under seal by both Apple and Samsung. Also filed Monday: a media amicus brief prepared by the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and submitted on behalf of the New York

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Brown signs “Richard McKee bill” to tighten Brown Act enforcement

The measure strengthening the public’s ability to enforce the Brown Act was signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown last week. Known as the “Richard McKee Act,” the legislation allows members of the public to send local government bodies a cease-and-desist letter if they believe government agencies have violated the Brown Act. The government agency can avoid a court case if it makes a clear commitment to stop the challenged behavior. If it refuses, it

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Governor Brown decides fate of open-government bills

The Richard McKee Brown Act enforcement bill wasn’t the only open-government legislation to come before Governor Brown at the end of this legislative session.  Here’s what happened with the bills that FAC has been tracking this year: AB 1270: Governor Brown vetoed this bill that would have allowed journalists greater ability to request interviews  with prison inmates and allow journalists to use materials such as pens, papers, pencils and recording devices to conduct the interviews.

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Scheer discusses Citizens United on HuffPost Live’s “Paying for Free Speech”

FAC Executive Director Peter Scheer participated in a lively online discussion centered on the non-profit organization Citizens United  and their new anti Obama film that will air on TV 82 times before November’s election, a first for a film of its kind.  The question posed to the panel was: Is there anything wrong with airing the film so close to the election?  The panel aired on HuffPost Live, the Huffington Post’s new online network featuring live

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Appeals court denies FAC request to join appeal over Apple-Samsung secrecy

A federal appeals court in Washington, DC  denied the First Amendment Coalition’s request to intervene in a pending appeal in the Apple v. Samsung litigation. FAC had sought to intervene as a party in the appeal to defend the trial judge’s ruling ordering the unsealing of certain confidential financial records filed by Apple and Samsung “under seal.” However, the appeals court effectively invited FAC to participate in the case as an “amicus curiae” or friend

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