
Non-Response to Requests

Non-Response to Requests Q: I sent a Freedom of Information Act Request to the California Department of Corrections trying to obtain information related to my position there.  It was an information act using the form letter making a state (not federal) request.  The request was sent by certified mail and they did not respond.  What should I do now?  Thank you in advance for your attention to my concerns. A: From the information in your

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The CPRA, Email Communication, Right to Privacy and Records Regarding One’s Self

The CPRA, Email Communication, Right to Privacy and Records Regarding One’s Self Q: I made a California Public Records Act request to a public school district in California for: “All Email communication regarding myself and my child.” I received partial records which are not nearly complete. I am concerned about adherence to legal safeguards prohibiting school districts or any public entity from “sanitizing” requested records. Thus far, I believe the records show collusion, staged accusations regarding

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Police Reports, Public Record

Police Reports, Public Record Q: I called our local police department.  I would like to get copies of police reports made by a neighbor regarding vandalism to his home.  The reports should go back in time as far as 1989.  The police department records assistant stated that police reports are not public record.  However, various people in this city not associated as a police officer are able to review anything they wish. Are police reports

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Personnel Privacy and Public Access to Incident Reports

Personnel Privacy and Public Access to Incident Reports Q: I was recently hit by a County’s public bus while on the crosswalk (it was a hit and run). Due to the fact that the County’s transportation agency has its own Sheriffs Department, the incident was not reported to the District Attorney and the driver of the bus is being protected by the County Transportation Agency as of today. How can I get a report of

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Records Request, Community College, and Time Limits

Records Request, Community College, and Time Limits Q: I personally served (Hand Delivered) a Community College back in April a CPRA request for information.  Their attorney sent me a partial package.  However, the main portion of information has not been sent.  As a result, the attorney stated that his paralegal was working on it and that it would be sent out right away. However, when I followed up with the paralegal she said she was not

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