
Outside City Lawsuit Settlements

Outside City Lawsuit Settlements Q: Last year, the city settled a lawsuit by several outdoor advertising companies.  The settlement, approved by the Superior Court in Feb. 2007, included a requirement that the companies submit to the city a complete inventory of all their off-site advertising signs, including location and permit status.  A public request for this information has been denied, citing the following section of the settlement: “Nothing herein shall prevent the City from providing

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Accessing Court Records and List of Cases

Accessing Court Records and List of Cases Q: Made FOIA request to the appellate court for list of cases (included those unpublished) filed for appeal relating to 2 Superior Court judges for past 5 years. Response was a letter stating they didn’t have any cases on file for me. There is, in fact a case on file but not what I asked for.Made 2nd FOIA request for same information. Response was they did not keep

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Accessing School Title IX Report

Accessing School Title IX Report Q: Someone filed a complaint in 2007 alleging that the School District in has failed to comply with Title IX of the Amendments to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1972.  Then OCR, the agency responsible for compliance with Title IX within the US Department of Education contacted the district and the district filed what the newspaper called a “report housed in a binder five inches thick”   After I

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E-Filing of Campaign Finance Data,0

E-Filing of Campaign Finance Data Q: After about a year of advocacy, I have convinced the city to adopt campaign finance e-filing and publishing of campaign finance disclosure data on the city’s web site.  But the city council has directed the city clerk to redact campaign contributor street addresses in the online data.  However, unredacted disclosure data will continue to be available to members of the public who contact the city clerk’s office directly to

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Family Law Case File

Family Law Case File Q: For months I was not allowed access to my family law case file. Couldn’t even get a copy of the docket sheet. Finally got some of it. There is significant wrong doing in my case on the part of many. I have found evidence of altering of some court documents. I have an open investigation at Commission on Judicial performance who has asked for some court documents from me to

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