
A&A: Is your personal information safe if Microsoft or Google is subpoenaed?

Q: Do you know what information Yahoo or Microsoft give away if there is a subpoena asking the identity of email account?  Do they give away actual emails or just IP logon data and personal info from registration?  How would someone stop the discovery if he wanted to stay anonymous? A: Unfortunately, I don’t know Microsoft and Yahoo’s policies in responding to subpoenas seeking the identity of a person with a particular email account.  If

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Public Filming

Public Filming Q: There was a film crew in my city filming a popular TV show in a restaurant and sidewalk in front of the restaurant. I took some pictures from the public sidewalk across the street.  None of my pictures were for anything but for my personal use–not commercial in any way.  One crew member said just not to use a flash.  Then 20 minutes later, another supposed crew person said I couldn’t take any

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Defamation and libel in statements to elected officials

Defamation and libel in statements to elected officials Q: Are letters submitted to city council pertaining to an agenda item which contain obvious defamation and libel against a private citizen protected speech? I am a community representative who was the subject of hate speech via two letters, one anonymous and one signed to city council. In addition I was the victim of vandalism at my home during the same week. Considering the message contained in

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Subpoenaed for a trial

Subpoenaed for a trial Q: I have been civil-subpoenaed to appear as a witness in a trial. I do not wish to be involved in the matter. Can I decline to testify? If I can, how do I go about doing it? Can you point me to the forms, etc., that would be required to do so? A: You have not indicated what the subject matter of the testimony that they are seeking. Do you

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Passing out flyers in front of a public school

Passing out flyers in front of a public school Q: Is it permissible to pass out flyers on the sidewalk in front of a public school? We are passing out flyers about our school in front of local public schools. Consistently, the principals tell us that this is not permissible. It is my understanding that we are allowed to do this as long as we do not obstruct the sidewalk. Am I correct? A: You

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