David Snyder

Be part of the FAC for All campaign

A message from Executive Director David Snyder A global pandemic. Journalists under attack. A nationwide cry for social justice and police accountability. This past year’s extraordinary events highlighted like never before the importance of FAC’s work combatting government secrecy and standing up for free speech, a free press and the public’s right to know.  With your support, FAC has mobilized to protect these rights — to make a healthier democracy possible by: Ensuring public access to court proceedings, despite

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Why FAC is Urging the Biden Administration to End Assange Prosecution

Today the First Amendment Coalition joined a group of press-freedom and civil-liberties groups demanding that the Biden Administration drop criminal charges against Julian Assange under the Espionage Act and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. FAC’s supporters may wonder why our organization, which is adamantly nonpartisan and promotes press freedoms, is taking a position in support of a non-journalist whose work has done much to aggravate partisan rancor.   The reason is simple: Like it or

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