A&A: Does a Member of a Public Body Have a First Amendment Claim if He or She is Punished for Speaking Out?

Q: I serve as a director on a public body–a Board of Directors. A majority of that Board recently voted to punish me because I have publicly expressed, as an individual citizen, views contrary to the majority. They said that once the Board has decided something, I should be silent if I disagreed. Was this unlawful, and do I have any recourse? A: It is not clear from your inquiry whether you as a Director

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A&A: How Can I Access Records From The California Department of Corrections Regarding High-Profile Offenders?

Q:  I need to obtain information from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) regarding several high-profile offenders, some of whom are deceased, for a project I am doing on several high-profile murder cases. All of the offenders are or were on Death Row at one point in time and several are deceased. What information can I obtain? A: The records you’re looking for from CDCR are likely available through the use of the California

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A&A: Local School Board President Banning Parents From Commenting On School’s Official Facebook Page

Q: A group of parents is being blocked by a local school board president from commenting on the Facebook page where he frequently discusses local school board issues. It is my understanding President Trump, Congressperson Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, elected officials in County Board of Supervisors seats and others have had courts rule against them for blocking citizens and they have been forced to reverse the action on various social media platforms because they were violating

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