FAC Opposes Legislation that Would Weaken Public Oversight of Government Officials in California 

It’s about accountability We are writing to alert you to legislation pending in California that would take the wrong lesson from the pandemic and weaken open-government laws under the guise of increasing remote access to meetings. The most problematic provisions undermine the democratic values of open government and oversight of our public institutions for the convenience of politicians — allowing public officials to do the public’s business from private locations that are neither identified nor

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A&A: Multiple CPRA Requests For A Decades Old Homicide Have Been Denied Without Explanation

Q: I am seeking information from the California Department of Justice regarding a 1981 multiple homicide. I have reason to believe the two suspects in the homicides were not arrested because one of the suspects was a confidential informant at the time. I have asked for clarification or other information on the matter but have turned down several times in the past. A: The law enforcement exception to the California Public Records Act allows an agency to

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