Asked & Answered

Minutes to be Approved Made Public

Minutes to be Approved Made Public Q: If minutes are to be approved at a Committee meeting that is a Brown Act Committee, do the minutes need to be available to the public 72 hrs prior to the vote- or at the very least, the same time they are given to the committee members? A: Under the Brown Act, any materials provided to the committee members “in connection with a matter subject to discussion or

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Closed Session Performance Evaluations

Closed Session Performance Evaluations Q: On the City Council agenda it states under closed session: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 and 54957.6, the City Council will meet with the City Administrator, to hold performance evaluations and consider the salaries for the Director of Parks and Trees, the Director of Community Development and Public Works ….. All department heads are up for evaluation and they are wanting salary increases. All department heads are also contract

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Intimidation of Journalists

Intimidation of Journalists Q: Our website lists an editorial by our publisher. The very first comment has come from a city employee (we traced the IP address) and the next few comments were probably made by the same person. They could almost be viewed as threats. That along with a meeting recently requested by a city council member. When Publisher and Editor showed up he had unexpectedly to us invited another city council member and

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Incoming Superintendent Sitting in on Closed Session

Incoming Superintendent Sitting in on Closed Session Q: An incoming superintendent, his term does not being until June, was in on a closed session item on the appointment of a new principal last month. The incoming superintendent was the head of the search committee from the principal and it was his recommendation the board considered and approved. Was it legal for him to be in on the closed session item although his term as superintendent

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Voting on Multiple Budgets

Voting on Multiple Budgets Q: Redevelopmnt Agency agenda asks for 1 vote on 11 budgets for 11 redevelopment project areas. Does this conform to the Brown Act or should there be a 11 votes ? A: The Brown Act requires that, generally, a vote cannot be taken on items that are not on the agenda, and that the agenda must contain a sufficient description of each item to be voted on.  If the agenda lists

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