Search Results for: electronic records – Page 47

Expenditures of Congressional representatives go online

For the first time, the public will be able to examine online House of Representatives records to see what their Congress men and women have been spending with the potential of greatly increasing trust and accountability. -DB Sunlight Foundation Blog November 30, 2009 By John Wonderlich The U.S. House is expected today to release the quarterly Statement of Disbursements online for the first time. Sunlight has long called for electronic disclosure of the accounts of Members

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A&A: Councilman asks intern on date via city issued cell

Q: I have learned that a city councilman was sending text messages to a city intern, asking her for a date. I would like to file a CPR request for the text messages sent from his city issued Blackberry. I’m sure they (the councilman and the city attorney) would try to argue that such a message was personal but I feel that the text was a form of sexual harassment, was improper, and was a

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Help available for government watchdogs

Citizens and organizations seeking information about the relationships between officials, corporations and policy makers can tap into a myriad of resources. Here is a description of ten of the most helpful watchdog projects. -DB MediaShift November 3, 2009 By Katie Donnelly With the 2010 U.S. elections coming into view, many people are looking for more information about the people running for office — and the individuals and organizations funding these candidates. Fortunately, there are dozens

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Chances fading of reining in government secrecy granted under Patriot Act

Civil libertarians may be losing the battle to curb  government excess as the Obama administration is loathe to relinquish the power to operate in secrecy without the checks provided by judicial oversight. -DB Center for Internet and Society Stanford Law School Commentary October 7, 2009 By Larry Downes “Patriotism,” as Samuel Johnson famously said, “is the last refuge of a scoundrel.” In that sense, perhaps the USA PATRIOT Act is appropriately named after all. In

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FBI searches house of man arrested for using Twitter to coordinate protests in Pittsburgh

The FBI last Thursday spent 16 hours searching the Queens house of a man arrested in Pittsburgh on September 24 at the Group of 20 summit. The man, who claims to be an anarchist, is facing criminal charges of helping  protesters avoid arrest after they were ordered to disperse. -DB The New York Times October 5, 2009 By Colin Moynihan As demonstrations have evolved with the help of text messages and online social networks, so too

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