News & Opinion

German court rules against YouTube in copyright dispute over Brightman videos

A German court ruled Friday that Google Inc.’s subsidiary YouTube LLC must pay compensation after users uploaded several videos of performances by singer Sarah Brightman in violation of copyright laws. September 3, 2010 By The Associated Press (CP) BERLIN —The Hamburg state court said the standardized question to users about whether they have the necessary rights to publish material is not enough to relieve YouTube of the legal responsibility for the content, especially because the

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Cuban blogger Sanchez named IPI press freedom hero

Cuban blogger Yoani Sanchez was named World Press Freedom Hero by media watchdog IPI on Friday, for her defiance of press restrictions and her commitment to free speech in her country. September 3, 2010 By AFP VIENNA —”Sanchez’s tremendously important work provides a glimpse into what is otherwise a closed world,” Alison Bethel McKenzie, director of the Vienna-based International Press Institute, said in a statement. She “represents a future where the power of the Internet

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From Hiding, Indonesian Defends Free Expression

Hiding out with a two-year jail sentence hanging over his head and vigilantes vowing to track him down, the editor of Indonesia’s defunct version of Playboy magazine, Erwin Arnada, insists he was never in the pornography business. The New York Times September 3, 2010 By Aubrey Belford JAKARTA —The men’s magazine, which began publication in 2006, was relatively tame, and conspicuously free of nudity. But faced with violent protests by hard-line Muslim groups, it soon

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Federal court overturns Neb. law on flag desecration

A federal judge overturned Nebraska’s ban on flag mutilation yesterday, clearing the way for Kansas protesters to continue trampling on the U.S. flag when they protest at military funerals. September 3, 2010 By The Associated Press OMAHA, Neb. — The ruling from U.S. District Judge Richard Kopf said the law can’t be applied as long as Megan Phelps-Roper and fellow members of the Westboro Baptist Church “otherwise act peacefully while desecrating the American or Nebraska

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Dems accuse Fox News of bolstering Ohio candidate

The Democratic Governors Association filed an elections complaint in Ohio yesterday, alleging Fox News Network illegally helped the Republican gubernatorial nominee solicit funds during a television appearance. September 3, 2010 By The Associated Press COLUMBUS, Ohio — In an escalating battle with Fox’s news division, the association alleges that Fox allowed John Kasich to request contributions from viewers during an Aug. 18 broadcast and simultaneously displayed the address of his campaign website in on-screen graphics.

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