News & Opinion

Sierra foothills: Ambulance district admits open meeting violation

Exeter District Ambulance has admitted it violated the Brown Act, California’s open meeting law, and is taking steps to insure that the public is allowed to make comments. -db The Foothills Sun Gazette September 15, 2010 By Reggie Ellis Exeter District Ambulance has made its mistakes, taken its lumps and is well on the road to recovery. In a response letter to the 2009-2010 Grand Jury Final Report, Board President Kerry Elbisi wrote that the

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Free speech technology project collapses

A prominent US technology project designed to help Iranians evade internet censorship has collapsed amid recriminations this week after what its lead developer admitted had been a case of “hype trumping security.” The Financial Times September 15 2010 By Richard Waters in San Francisco The plan, known as Haystack, was part of a broader wave of US technologies designed to promote free speech on the internet in repressive regimes, with the active support of the

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Univ. of Wyoming holds free speech forum

Public colleges must be neutral in allowing controversial speakers and their ideas on campus and must work harder to educate citizens about the roles of colleges in presenting varying ideas, speakers at a free speech forum said Monday. The Associated Press September 15, 2010 By Bob Moen LARAMIE, Wyo. —The University of Wyoming organized the forum, which featured four academics from across the country, in the wake of recent campus visits by former Vice President

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U.S. judges agree to pilot study of cameras in court

The nation’s federal judges agreed yesterday to a pilot project that could televise some civil trials — 16 years after the judges ended a similar experiment. September 15, 2010 By The Associated Press WASHINGTON —Appeals court judge David Sentelle told reporters that many of the details remained to be worked out, but that cameras could not record the faces of witnesses or jurors. Sentelle also said either side in a lawsuit could keep cameras out.

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Murfreesboro mosque backers, foes to address commission

Opponents of the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro’s planned mosque on Veals Road won’t monopolize public comments at Thursday’s Rutherford County Commission meeting. The Tennessean September 15, 2010 By Scott Broden “This time a majority of speakers are going to be in support of our First Amendment rights,” said Thomas Moss, a Murfreesboro resident who is one of 16 speakers scheduled to address the commission and is one of the members of the grass-roots group Middle

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