News & Opinion

Huntington Beach City Council pledges to make budget documents more accessible to public

A Huntington Beach resident complained that the city council was bundling crucial budget information into “late communication” packets, making it difficult for citizens to know the importance of the information ahead of time. -db Voice of OC September 20, 2010 By Adam Elmahrek Today the Huntington Beach City Council is scheduled to hold a public hearing to approve the city’s proposed 2010-11 budget, which has been posted in its entirety online, along with the City

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FAC wins case against CalPERS for records on disastrous real estate investment

The Superior Court in San Francisco ruled Tuesday in FAC’s favor against CalPERS regarding access to records on their PageMill real estate investment. According to the ruling (FAC v CalPERS Order), the Court agreed with FAC that Govt Code section 6254.26, the exemption for certain information related to “alternative investments,”  does NOT apply to real estate investments. The Court also rejected CalPERS’ arguments that the records were subject to exemption as “trade secrets” or on

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Federal judges rule Wisconsin State Bar dues may be used for public image campaign

The Wisconsin State Bar did not violate members’ First Amendment Rights when it used some of their dues money to finance a public image campaign, a federal appellate court ruled. -db Courthouse News Service September 15, 2010 By Annie Youderian (CN) – The Wisconsin State Bar did not violate its members’ First Amendment rights by using a portion of their dues to fund a public image campaign, the 7th Circuit ruled. To practice law in

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Federal judge finds no free speech restriction in hate crimes act

A Michigan federal judge ruled that Christain advocates and pastors did not suffer an infringement of their rights to free speech, religion and association under the federal law, the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act. -db First Amendment Center September 16, 2010 By David L. Hudson Jr. A federal judge in Michigan has dismissed a lawsuit by several Christian advocates and pastors who filed an array of constitutional challenges to the Matthew

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Novato: Anti-immigration activist arrested for addressing audience rather than city council

During a Novato City Council meeting, a man speaking on an immigration ballot issue addressed the audience rather than the council so the mayor called a recess. The man continued to address the audience and was arrested for disrupting the meeting. -db Marin Independent Journal September 16, 2010 By Rob Rogers Police arrested lawyer and immigration activist Jerome Ghigliotti at Novato’s City Council meeting Tuesday night and led him away in handcuffs after the council

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