News & Opinion

Teenage sex trafficking victim sues Village Voice for running sex ad with her photos

A teenager has sued Village Voice Media for knowingly allowing her pimp to post photos of her online in an ad for prostitution services. -db Ars Technica Commentary September 19, 2010 By Jacqui Cheng A teenage child trafficking victim has filed a lawsuit against Village Voice Media, for knowingly allowing her pimp to post ads for her “services” on the popular The pimp, Latasha Jewell McFarland, has already pleaded guilty to prostitution charges, but

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PG&E cites security in refusing to divulge pipeline information

After  a gas pipeline explosion in San Bruno that devastated a neighbor, PG&E is refusing to give out the locations of its riskiest gas lines out of concerns for safety and security. -db The Bay Citizen September 15, 2010 By Zusha Elinson, Jennifer Gollan PG&E’s deadly explosion in San Bruno last week laid bare the hazards of California’s aging gas pipelines, but details on the company’s gas network remain cloaked in secrecy, raising questions from

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Federal appeals court rules authorities can imprison Hare Krishna for soliciting at LAX

Authorities can begin enforcing a law banning panhandling at the Los Angeles International Airport after a ruling by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. -db Courthouse News Service September 20, 2010 By Elizabeth Banicki (CN) – Hare Krishna followers and others can now be imprisoned or fined for soliciting donations at the Los Angeles International Airport, the 9th Circuit ruled, backing a long-unenforced city law banning all panhandling at the airport. Members of the International

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Free speech: Federal appeals court dismisses suit by college student

The 9th Circuit ruled that although there were serious free speech issues in the case, a college student had failed to show that he had suffered any injury under his school’s sexual harassment policy. -db Courthouse News Service September 20, 2010 (CN) – A college student who was called a “fascist bastard” by a professor who didn’t agree with his speech about God and homosexuality can’t succeed on his claim that the school’s sexual harassment

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Military judge refuses request to close hearing in Fort Hood shooting

A military judge who will preside over the hearing on the Fort Hood, Texas shootings denied a request to close the hearing to the public saying the victims and the families have the right to hear testimony. -db The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press September 17, 2010 By Rosemary Lane A military officer rejected a defense request Thursday to close an upcoming hearing for the Fort Hood, Texas, shooting suspect after the defense

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