News & Opinion

T-Mobile wants to censor text messages

T-Mobile testified in federal court that it wants to retain the power to censor text messages in short-code marketing campaigns to protect itself from “potentially illegal, fraudulent, or offensive marketing campaigns conducted on its network.” -db Wired September 22, 2010 By David Kravets T-Mobile told a federal judge Wednesday it may pick and choose which text messages to deliver on its network in a case weighing whether wireless carriers have the same “must carry” obligations

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Federal appeals court decision boosts free speech in national parks

The executive director of the First Amendment Center applauds a recent federal appeals court decision that said in part that to require everyone to get a permit to express their ideas chills free speech. -db First Amendment Center Commentary September 17, 2010 By Gene Policinski Anyone who has vacationed at a national park knows one of the real challenges is not to leave any necessities at home. As we mark Constitution Day on Sept. 17, it’s

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Plumas County forms ad hoc committee to skirt open meeting law

The Plumas County Board of Supervisors formed an ad hoc committee to consider a Feather River College for a “temporary transfer” of funds not over $5 million. The supervisors want to expedite action on the request, and ad hoc committees do not have to give notice of meetings and post agendas in advance. -db Plumas County News September 22, 2010 By Joshua Sebold The Board of Supervisors approved the formation of an ad hoc committee

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Orange County: Judge rules no evidence of open meeting violations in high school boundaries case

Parents in the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District lost a suit alleging that the district had violated the Brown Act, California’s open meeting law, in setting boundaries for a new high school. -db Orange County Register September 22, 2010 By Jessica Terrell YORBA LINDA – Frustrated parents suing the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District failed to provide sufficient evidence that the district violated any laws in the setting of Yorba Linda High School’s boundaries in

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Bench-Bar-Media Committee proposals for greater media access

By Susana Montes–The draft report includes 11 recommendations from the Bench-Bar-Media Committee, appointed by the California Supreme Court. The recommendations range from increasing access of cameras and other recording devices in the courtroom, instituting public notices for gag orders by posting on local court websites; and a proposal to develop a rule that requires all courts to post notice of any application for, or entry of sealed records. The report also addresses the need to

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