News & Opinion

Free speech: Anti-gay marriage group wants freedom from reporting requirements

The National Organization for Marriage is bringing suit in federal court in Florida claiming that the state’s campaign laws that require record-keeping and reporting are burdensome and discourage them from running media ads in support of their anti-gay marriage position -db Courthouse News Service September 27, 2010 By Dan McCue GAINESVILLE, Fla. (CN) – The National Organization for Marriage, which opposes same-sex marriage, claims Florida’s campaign law unconstitutionally chills its right to free speech. The

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Congress removes FOIA exemption for SEC

In a move to create transparency and accountability, the House and Senate voted to repeal provision allowing the Securities and Exchange Commission to deny requests under the Freedom of Information Act. -db September 23, 2010 By Ben Rooney NEW YORK ( — Lawmakers moved Thursday to repeal a provision in the financial reform law that shields the Securities and Exchange Commission from requests under the Freedom of Information Act. The provision had allowed the

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Federal district court denies ACLU request for immigrant detainee death records

A federal district court in Washington, D.C. ruled that the Department of Homeland Security had acted within the exemptions to open record laws in withholding e-mails and records requested by the ACLU of the deaths of immigrants who died while in detention. -db The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press September 24, 2010 By Stephen Miller A U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., has denied the American Civil Liberties Union access to documents held

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Berkeley considers new sunshine ordinance

The watchdog columnist for the San Jose Mercury News says that the new sunshine ordinance that will go before the voters at a yet-to-be-determined time will improve open government. Alameda is also considering a new ordinance much needed in a city where a well-compensated fire chief was filling up his personal car at city gas pumps. -db San Jose Mercury News Commentary September 26, 2010 By Thomas Peele After nearly a decade of debate, a

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Law review publishes articles on lawsuit over religious group’s picketing of soldier’s funeral

The Cardozo Law Review de•novo has published a number of scholarly articles analyzing Snyder v. Phelps, a potentially momentous case up for hearing before the U.S. Supreme Court in October. -db Cardozo Law Review de•novo September 2010 Funerals, Fire, and Brimstone Albert Snyder won a jury verdict and a substantial monetary judgment against the Westboro Baptist Church after they protested at his son’s funeral. The Fourth Circuit reversed. When the Supreme Court hears Snyder v.

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