News & Opinion

Fall term: U.S. Supreme Court to consider two key First Amendment cases

The U.S. Supreme Court will consider this fall whether to extend the protection of the First Amendment to violent video games and protests at military funerals with the distinct possibility that the Court will extend protection as it did last term in striking down a federal law banning videos depicting violence against animals. -db First Amendment Center Analysis September 27, 2010 By Tony Mauro WASHINGTON, D.C. — In the two biggest First Amendment cases before

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U.S. Supreme Court to hear case on corporate privacy

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case over whether AT&T records obtained by the federal government in an investigation of billing practices should be made open to the public. -db The Wall Street Journal September 28, 2010 By Maya Jackson Randall and Brent Kendall WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Supreme Court agreed Tuesday to hear 14 cases for its 2010-2011 term, including several with business implications. The high court agreed to consider whether

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Free speech: Tea party T-shirt banned from polling place

A grandmother is suing for her free speech rights after being told by a poll worker that she was wearing a Tea Party T-shirt that made a political statement. -db The Arizona Republic September 25, 2010 By Alia Beard Rau Diane Wickberg didn’t intend to become a public defender of the First Amendment. But now that she’s found herself in that position, she’s not backing down from the fight. The 55-year-old Flagstaff grandmother, with the

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Northern California: Citizens criticize Johnstonville School Board for shutting down public comment

The Johnstonville School Board drew criticism for restricting public comment that concerned the school administration when court decisions have upheld the right of the public to criticize school employees under California’s open meeting law, the Brown Act. -db Lassen County Times September 28, 2010 Parents and other concerned community stakeholders were given an opportunity to speak their mind at a special meeting of the Johnstonville School Board Wednesday, Sept. 22 — one week after the

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FAC posts online confidential CalPERS’ docs ordered released by Court

The First Amendment Coalition has posted on the internet more than 1,700 CalPERS documents relating to an East Palo Alto real estate investment in which CalPERS lost all of its $100 million investment.  The records–which include the partnership agreement, offering memorandum and email exchanges about the failed investment—were ordered released by the Superior Court in San Francisco. The documents have been released in two sets, one on September 24 and the second on September 30.

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