News & Opinion

OHSHA dragging on whistleblower protection

The Government Accountability Office said the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has not protected whistleblowers particularly failing to provide workers with the mandatory training for investigators. -db OMB Watch September 28, 2010 In a new report, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has again strongly criticized the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for a range of problems and inconsistencies in the agency’s handling of whistleblower protections. The participation of workers is an important accountability and

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Hybrid business model seen as boost to newspaper industry

A new business form combining social mission with capitalism may hold hope for newspapers endangered by falling circulation and ad revenue. -db Citizen Media Law Project Commentary September 29, 2010 By Marina Petrova With subscription and advertising revenue dropping, the newspaper industry is in dire need of a new and – more importantly – sustainable business model. The Low-Profit Limited Liability Company (L3C), a novel hybrid business form combining a social mission with a for-profit

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Los Angeles County postpones release of salary information of highest-paid employees

A Los Angeles County lawyer said they are delaying the release of the names and salaries of its highest paid employees out of concern for the workers’ safety. -db Los Angeles Times September 27, 2010 By Rong-Gong Lin II Los Angeles County officials are taking steps to keep secret the names and salaries of some highly paid county employees, saying they need more time to comply with public records law to protect workers who claim

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Thai government arrests webmaster to discourage dissent

The Thailand government arrested a leading Webmaster for allegedly committing a computer crime and defaming the Thai royal family. -db Electronic Frontier Foundation Commentary September 29, 2010 By Eddan Katz On Friday, the Director of a popular alternative Thai news portal Prachatai was arrested by the Thai government. Chiranuch Premchaipoen — popularly known as Jiew — was charged under the intermediary liability provisions of the 2007 Computer Crime Act and for “Lèse Majesté,” or defamation

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Copyright law: Poorly defined’ fair use’ argument spawns court action

Lawyers are getting lots of work interpreting ‘fair use” from filmmakers, artists and writers who want to pull something from another person’s work. -db Variety Commentary September 24, 2010 By Ted Johnson Hollywood is united in standing up to the proliferation of piracy, but there’s an area of copyright law that leaves the industry perpetually perplexed. It’s the concept of “fair use,” the protection from infringement claims for certain unauthorized uses of copyrighted material, whether

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