News & Opinion

Free speech: Federal court strikes down Cincinnati requirement for city sponsor to hold events at city hall

A federal appeals court ruled that Cincinnati’s law requiring city officials to sponsor events at city hall was “unconstitutionally vague.” -db Courthouse News Service September 30, 2010 By Matt Reynolds (CN) – Cincinnati’s requirement that advocacy groups have a city sponsor in order to hold events at city hall violates the First Amendment, the 6th Circuit ruled. The Coalition Opposed to Additional Spending & Taxes was twice denied access to city hall, where it planned

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Federal judge rules reporter does not have to testify in medical pot case

A federal district court dismissed a subpoena of a reporter on the grounds that the subpoena violated the reporter’s First Amendment right to withhold testimony. -db The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press October 1, 2010 By Daniel Skallman A federal judge quashed a criminal defense lawyer’s subpoena of a reporter last month, ruling that it violated the reporter’s constitutional right not to testify and publicly recognizing the importance of the newsgathering process. Reporter

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SF Weekly’s corporate parent sued for ‘sex trafficking’ on company’s classified ads site

SF Weekly’s corporate parent has been sued for “sex trafficking” by a teenage girl who was forced into prostitution at age 14. The plaintiff says her pimp solicited business for her through ads placed in the adult services section of, the national classifieds site of Village Voice Media, owner of SF Weekly, LA Weekly, the Village Voice and other alternative weekly newspapers.-PS The parent company of the SF Weekly is being sued by a

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Schwarzenegger vetoes bill to extend FOI law to UC and CSU foundations & auxiliaries. Gov says bill would deter some donors from giving

Governor Schwarzenegger has vetoed a bill that would have applied the state’s Public Records Act to fundraising foundations  affiliated with UC and CSU campuses. Although the bill would have restricted disclosure for anonymous donors to the universities, the Governor claimed those restrictions were not sufficient to satisfy some donors.-PS Central Valley Business Times A bill that would require the various foundations and other types of auxiliaries that are closely associated with California State University and

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Florida school board considers restricting teachers’ online speech

The Manatee County School Board in Florida is debating a policy that prohibits teachers from posting comments on sites such as Facebook or Twitter that would put the district, students and teachers in a “negative, scandalous or embarrassing light.” -db Student Press Law Center September 28, 2010 By Chelsea Keenan FLORIDA — The Manatee County School Board discussed a policy Monday that, if passed, would limit what teachers can say on social networking sites like

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