News & Opinion

Federal FOIA: Report by watchdog shows transparency in Obama administration blocked

In surveying hundreds of Freedom of Information Act  employees in federal agencies, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) found the public and the employees still thwarted from getting information requested under the FOIA. -db CREW September 30, 2010 By crewstaff The mid-way point of the Obama administration seemed like a good time to assess how well its transparency agenda is doing and, in particular, whether agencies have improved their administration of the Freedom

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ACLU asks for more transparency in disclosing legal rulings on federal surveillance

The American Civil Liberties Union has commented on new rules by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court regarding public access to court records by asking the FISC to disclose records of significant rulings. -db American Civil Liberties Union Press Release October 4, 2010 NEW YORK – The American Civil Liberties Union today submitted comments on new rules recently proposed by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) regarding public disclosure of court records. The ACLU urged the

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Alaskan senator warns TV stations not to run Tea Party ads

Claiming that the ads by the Tea Party Express in support of the Republican candidate, Joe Miller, carry false statements, U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski warned TV stations that they will be held liable for running the ads. -db Alaska Dispatch October 4, 2010 By Joshua Saul The same day the Tea Party Express released the television ads it plans on running in support of Republican Senate candidate Joe Miller, a lawyer representing write-in candidate U.S.

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Federal judge rules Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac exempt form disclosing political contributions

A U.S. district court judge ruled that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac do not have to release their records of political contributions under the Freedom of Information Act. -db Politico September 30, 2010 By Josh Gerstein Records about political contributions made by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac do not have to be made public under the Freedom of Information Act, a federal judge ruled Thursday. In an 11-page decision, U.S. District Court Judge Paul Friedman

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California college: Student photographer faces charges after taking photos of parking lot accident

A student photographer was charged with interfering with paramedics by taking photos of a victim of a parking lot accident on the campus of Chaffey College in California. -db Student Press Law Center October 1, 2010 By Caitlin Byrnes A California student photographer faces two criminal charges for taking pictures of a parking lot accident outside his newsroom at Chaffey College. Justin Kenward, a photographer for The Breeze, was in the newsroom when a medical

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