News & Opinion

Federal jury slaps Yonkers mayor with $8 million judgment for seizing newspapers

A newspaper owner received $8 million in a verdict  against a Yonkers mayor who objected to articles alleging he hung out in strip joints and got a lap dance from “Sassy.” The mayor raided the news stacks to prevent the newspaper’s distribution. -db The Journal News October 14, 2010 By Timothy O’Connor A federal jury Wednesday socked Yonkers Mayor Philip Amicone with an $8 million verdict for wrongly seizing news racks and copies of the Westchester

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Arizona: Questions arise over city liability for employees’ online posts

Police employees in Surprise, Arizona are asking the city to stop other police officers from posting anonymous comments on private websites that they say are potentially defamatory. -db The Arizona Republic October 9, 2010 By D.S. Woodfill and Lisa Halverstadt A controversy brewing in Surprise is raising questions about a city’s liability when its employees post potentially defamatory comments online about other workers. Three police employees, including the department’s top-ranked woman, said the city should

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Pittsburgh: Federal court grants temporary order against leafletting law

A federal court judge ruled that Pittsburgh overreached in its attempt to ban leafletting of cars and distributing anything causing litter. -db Pittsburgh Post-Gazette October 14, 2010 By Ann Rodgers A federal court judge has temporarily quashed a Pittsburgh law against leafletting unoccupied cars or distributing anything that can “cause litter.” The case was brought by two abortion opponents, but took aim at a law inspired by entertainment promoters and drunken partiers. Exhibit A was

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Feds use social networking site to investigate citizenship petitions

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has obtained information that the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is using sites such as Facebook to investigate citizenship petitions. -db The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press October 13, 2010 By Stephen Miller The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital civil liberties group based in San Francisco, has received information through a federal Freedom of Information Act request documenting how U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services uses social networking sites to

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Reporter can’t sue police for rough handling while covering Iraq war protests

A federal appeals court dismissed claims of wrongful arrest brought by a reporter attempting to film an Iraq war protest. Police had claimed he was jay walking when they grabbed him, threw him to the ground and handcuffed him, breaking his thumb. -db San Francisco Chronicle October 14, 2010 By Bob Egelko SAN FRANCISCO — A reporter who said he was wrongly seized and roughed up by San Francisco police while filming a protest can’t

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