News & Opinion

Federal court bars enforcement of Massachusetts law prohibiting distribution of sexual material to minors

A federal district court has blocked the enforcement of a Massachusetts obscenity law that makes it a crime to disseminate electronic material harmful to minors. -db The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press October 28, 2010 By Rosemary Lane A federal district court in Massachusetts Tuesday granted a preliminary injunction preventing the enforcement of a Massachusetts statute that criminalizes the dissemination of electronic material that is “harmful to minors.” The plaintiffs, including booksellers, publishers,

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U.S. Supreme Court considers free speech limits on marketing violent video games to minors

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear a challenge Nov. 2 to a California law that limits sales of violent video games to children in a controversial First Amendment case.  In taking the case, the Court is indicating it may consider new limits to free speech as it applies to children and violence. -db Wall Street Journal November 1, 2010 By Jess Bravin ROCKVILLE, Md.—Videogame designers at ZeniMax Media Inc.’s Bethesda Softworks destroyed a virtual U.S.

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Southern California: Chino school board strives to get in sync with open meeting requirements

The Chino Valley Unified School Board is meeting this week to remedy alleged violations of California’s Brown Act, according to one open government advocate, failing to place on agendas anticipated lawsuits discussed in closed sessions. -db San Jose Mercury News November 1, 2010 By Neil Nisperos CHINO – The Chino Valley Unified School District this week is expected to address an apparent Brown Act violation. Richard McKee, the vice president for Open Government Compliance, said

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Does Wikileaks deserve Dan Ellsberg’s approval? The good Wikileaks, yes; the bad Wikileaks, no

BY PETER SCHEER—Although the anti-war movement of the 1960s has few heroes still standing,  Daniel Ellsberg, the former defense analyst who leaked a secret history of the Vietnam War that became known as the Pentagon Papers, is surely one. As such, Ellsberg’s full-throated support for  Wikileaks, delivered as it dumped on the internet nearly 400,000 classified documents about the Iraq War, must have come as a welcome endorsement for the rogue website. Does Wikileaks deserve

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San Francisco task force says state attorney general candidate violated public records act

San Francisco’s Sunshine Ordinance Task Force found that San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris’s office violated the the city’s open records law when it failed to release public records requested by Steve Cooley, her opponent in the race for attorney general. -db San Francisco Chronicle October 30, 2010 By Marisa Lagos San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris’ office violated local sunshine laws by failing to release internal documents requested by the campaign of her GOP

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