News & Opinion

Montebello: Advocate asks for redress of violation of open meeting laws

Vice-president of Californians Aware Richard McKee demanded that Montebello correct alleged violations to open meeting laws for meeting in close session to negotiate employee issues. -db Pasadena Star-News November 24, 2010 MONTEBELLO, Calif. – Richard McKee, vice president of open government compliance for advocacy group Californians Aware, demanded on Wednesday the Council correct violations of the Ralph M. Brown Act, which regulates government transparency. The City Council improperly met behind closed doors about negotiations with

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Menlo Park council member files complaint with state bar over Brown Act allegations

A Menlo Park city councilman filed a complaint with the state bar association claiming that CalAware’s Terry Francke had made an erroroneous allegation of Brown Act violations against council members hurting their chances in the Nov. 2 election. Francke later retracted his allegation. -db The Almanac November 23, 2010 By Sandy Brundage On the same day the Daily Post ran a front page apology for two stories and an editorial that said three Menlo Park

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Wikileaks doc release expected Sunday 2PM PST; Two websites are already tracking global response

Two websites-– and Wlcentral — are already tracking global speculation and analysis about the Wikileaks release of 2.8 million classified documents expected to happen Sunday at 2PM PST. Hints of the release time came from Der Spiegal one of the newspapers along withThe New York Times, The Guardian (UK), Le Monde (France) and El País (Spain), that has early access to the about to be leaked documents. Der Spiegel  also leaked some details about the

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Stanford Professor: Citizen’s United “Unjustly Maligned”

Stanford law professor Kathleen M. Sullivan examines the Citizens United ruling in the new issue of Harvard Law Review. Prof. Kathleen Sullivan: Citizens United Has Been “Unjustly Maligned” November 22, 2010 12:52 P.M. By Ed Whelan In an article in the new issue of the Harvard Law Review, Stanford law professor Kathleen M. Sullivan—who is often mentioned as a leading “progressive” candidate for a Supreme Court nomination—distances herself from the bashing of the Citizens United

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SF Bay Guardian’s $21M award stands after CA Supreme Court refuses rival’s request to review amount

The CA Supreme Court declined to review the $21 million damage award a lower court had ordered the SF Weekly to pay its rival, the SF Bay Guardian, in 2008. The Bay Guardian successfully argued that the Weekly had slashed advertising prices to drive the Bay Guardian out of business.  Reportedly, management of the papers are now trying to negotiate a settlement. Bruce Brugmann, the Publisher of the San Francisco Bay Guardian is a member

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