News & Opinion

American Canyon: Resident looks for legal redress after she was silenced at city council meeting

An American Canyon resident is examining her options after the mayor denied her the right to speak during public comment time at the last city council meeting. The mayor claimed the resident was making personal attacks in criticizing the winners in the last election of “childish behavior” on election night. -db Times-Herald November 30, 2010 By Rachel Raskin-Zrihen AMERICAN CANYON, Calif. — Marianne Young says she’s exploring legal options after being shut down by the

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U.S. government looking to charge Wikileaks founder with espionage

The Justice Department and Pentagon are investigating possible charges against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange for violating the Espionage Act of 1917 in releasing hundreds of classified documents. -db Washington Post November 30, 2010 By Ellen Nakashima and Jerry Markon Federal authorities are investigating whether WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange violated criminal laws in the group’s release of government documents, including possible charges under the Espionage Act, sources familiar with the inquiry said Monday. Attorney General Eric

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DIY State Department Cable Decoder

Want to investigate the cables Wikileaks has released? The National Security Archive has posted a guide to deciphering State Department Cables that should help you interpret the lingo. How to Decipher a State Department Cable November 29, 2010 by Nate Jones This guide –originally written by Kristin Adair– might come in handy as you peruse the 251,287 Department of State cables recently released by wikileaks. [As of today only 243 cables are available on the

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Critic of San Jose city council ordered to stay away from officials

A California state court of appeals upheld a lower court ruling that requires a city hall critic to stay 300 yards away from city officials. He is still allowed to attend public city council meetings. -db Metropolitan News-Enterprise November 29, 2010 By Kenneth Ofgang The Sixth District Court of Appeal has rejected a First Amendment challenge to injunctions requiring a civic gadfly to stay 300 yards away from the mayor of San Jose, members of

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U.S. agency orders scrutiny of procedures for protecting sensitive information afterWikileaks release of classified documents

The Office of Management and Budget has asked all U.S. agency and department heads to evaluate procedures for protecting classified data in the wake of this weekend’s Wikileaks release of classified government documents. -db Computerworld November 29, 2010 By Jaikumar Vijayan The release of thousands of pages of classified U.S. government information over the weekend by whistleblower Web site WikiLeaks prompted an order to all federal agencies by the White House Office of Management and

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