News & Opinion

A&A:What rules apply to searching DMV database?

Q: I’m divorcing a law enforcement officer, who has taken abuse of power to a whole new level and no one seems to care. What are the laws regarding license plate queries? My Ex, or his buddies, “ran” all of my friends and family through CLETS in order to gather information. When I contacted the DMV and filed a formal complaint, I was told it was a “family court issue.” Also, I recently requested documents

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Congressional committee attempts censorship of professor’s criticism of Facebook

A chair of a Congressional committee cautioned a law professor about to speak to the committee  to refrain from personal attacks against any companies or company employees. -db Onlne Media Daily Commentary December 3, 2010 By Wendy Davis Columbia Law professor Eben Moglen seemed to have touched a nerve on Capitol Hill this week when he touted the social networking start-up Diaspora, which he advises, while simultaneously bashing Facebook, in his written testimony. Immediately before

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Columbia University grad school rethinks suggestion students not link to Wikileaks

Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs advised its students to avoid linking to Wikileaks lest it hurt their career prospects in government service but soon repudiated that advice. -db Wired December 6, 2010 By Sam Gustin Days after Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) caused an uproar by warning its students against linking to WikiLeaks or discussing the secret-spilling website’s latest cache of diplomatic cables online, the prestigious training ground

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A&A: My statement was inaccurately depicted in published minutes

Q: I recently read statement at the school board meeting. When the minutes were made available my statements were mischaracterized. What are my rights regarding my statements recorded as factual? Should I send a “cure and correct notice” asking for my statements to be recorded correctly? I see the recording of my statements as removing key points regarding problems I see in the management by the district and not the “school.” You raise an interesting

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A&A: Council took action on a for-discussion-only agenda item

Q: A recent city council meeting agend  discussion item stated that “No action was called for.” The “summary recommendation” was  that the city council “receive and file this report. ”  However, without any public notice, the City Council took action.  I know the Brown Act requires items on which Council acts to be on the agenda in advance, unless there is an emergency or need for immediate action wasn’t realized earlier. What should I do

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