News & Opinion

University denies student group access to campus

Foundation for Individual Rights in Education claims that Northern Illinois University denied recognition to a student group, “Students for Sensible Drug Policy”, based on a discriminatory policy. -db FIRE Commentary December 6, 2010 DEKALB, Ill., Dec. 6, 2010—Last night, the Northern Illinois University (NIU) Student Association Senate denied recognition for the second time to NIU Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP). As a result, SSDP may not meet on campus, post flyers, or reapply for recognition

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Food industry wants free speech protection for false health claims

Food companies are now saying the First Amendment shields them from regulation when making false health claims about their products. -db The Atlantic Commentary December 8, 2010 By Marion Nestle Food companies insist that they can make health claims for their products, whether backed by science or not, because commercial speech is protected by the First Amendment. The First Amendment, in case you have forgotten, says: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of

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Federal judge rules for man painting message on house criticizing town

In a case brought by the American Civil Liberties Union, a federal court ruled that the Town of Cary’s sign ordinance violated a man’s free speech rights. -db WRAL December 7, 2010 CARY, N.C. — A federal judge has ruled that the Town of Cary’s sign ordinance violates the freedom of speech of a resident who painted a protest on the front of his home in August 2009. David Bowden spray-painted the phrase “S—–d by

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Carson council denies District Attorney’s allegations of open meeting violations

The Carson City Council claimed the district Attorney did not have any basis in case law for alleging that the mayor had violated the state’s open meeting law, the Brown Act, in cutting off critics at council meetings with a mute button. -db Daily Breeze December 8, 2010 By Sandy Mazza Carson City Council members are firing back at allegations by the District Attorney’s Office that the mayor violated free-speech rights by muting critics at

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Libel: Publisher of memoir by New Jersey ‘real housewife’ sued by ex-husband

The ex-husband of ‘Real Housewives of New Jersey’ star Danielle Staub has sued Simon & Schuster for publishing in Staub’s memoir what he says are untrue details of his alleged beatings of his ex-wife. -db The Star-Ledger December 6, 2010 By Vicki Hyman “Real Housewives of New Jersey” star Danielle Staub (or shall we say former RHONJ star?) and her (first) ex-husband Kevin Maher settled a defamation lawsuit he filed over her claims that he

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