News & Opinion

Facebook juggles civility and free speech in policing site

A special team within Facebook has the difficult job of policing hate and harassment on their site, forming a virtual police squad utilizing unprecedented power to regulate speech. -db The New York Times December 12, 2010 By Miguel Helft PALO ALTO, Calif. — Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder and chief executive of Facebook, likes to say that his Web site brings people together, helping to make the world a better place. But Facebook isn’t a utopia,

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Menlo Park mayor resigns after apparent open meeting violation

Menlo Park’s new mayor resigned three days after he appointment, admitting that her private consultations with two other council members about the mayor vote constituted serial meetings in violation of the state’s open meeting law. -db San Jose Mercury News December 12, 2010 By Bonnie Eslinger Three days after being appointed mayor of Menlo Park, Kelly Fergusson resigned from her post Friday in the fallout from apparently having violated the state’s open government law. Fergusson

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Election of Novato mayor raises charges of open meeting violation

A divided Novato council elected a mayor bypassing a long standing tradition of elevating the pro tem mayor prompting her to challenge the election through accusations that the decision was made behind closed doors violating California’s Brown Act, the state’s open meeting law. -db Marin Independent Journal December 8, 2010 By Rob Rogers Under ordinary circumstances, Novato’s annual election for mayor is as regular as the tides — and about as exciting. On Tuesday, however,

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Activist files $2.5 million claim against Novato for alleged free speech violations

An anti-illegal immigration activist sued the city of Novato claiming his arrest at a Sept. 14 council meeting violated his First Amendment rights. He was arrested after he made incendiary remarks to the council and refused to leave the podium or address the council directly. -db Marin Independent Journal December 9, 2010 By Rob Rogers Anti-illegal immigration activist Jerome Ghigliotti has filed a $2.5 million claim against the city of Novato, arguing that his arrest

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Criminal prosecution of WikiLeaks bodes ill for U.S. media

If the U.S. succeeds in bringing WikiLeaks to heel for publishing classified documents, it could end up costing the media its ability to publish classified information with impunity. -db Los Angeles Times Editorial December 9, 2010 U.S. officials reportedly are hoping to capitalize on the arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in London this week by having him extradited to this country for criminal prosecution. Based on what is known about WikiLeaks’ release of hundreds

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