News & Opinion

Eureka: City attorney investigating possible open meeting violation

The Eureka City Attorney is investigating a possible violation of California’s open meeting law, but an expert said that it was a procedural matter rather than a violation to ask a another member of the council to join in a meeting with staff. -db The Times-Standard December 15, 2010 By Allison White The Eureka City Attorney’s Office said it is investigating a complaint alleging the city council violated the state’s open meeting law last week

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Redding: Interim manager vote questioned as open meeting violation

A Record Searchlight reporter says that the Mountain Gate Community Services District board of directors voted in closed session to hire a district manager without announcing the decision at that meeting, a clear violation of California’s Brown Act, the state’s open meeting law. -db The Record Searchlight Opinion December 15, 2010 By Sean Longoria Less than a week after voting to hire the interim district manager permanently, the Mountain Gate Community Services District board of directors

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South Lake Tahoe city council runs afoul of open meeting law

A Lake Tahoe News reporter claims the South Lake Tahoe City Council discussed an item not on the agenda so that the public did not have a chance to comment, a clear violation of California’s open meeting law, the Brown Act. -db Lake Tahoe News Opinion December 16, 2010 By Kathryn Reed On the first day on the job, Claire Fortier learned it takes more than desire to get what she wants as an elected

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California court considering gag order in shopping mall arson

The district attorney in Roseville is asking a court for a gag order in an arson case. They claim the order is needed to ensure a fair trial whereas those against the order say it would prevent information from surfacing that would clear up misperceptions about the case. -db The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press December 15, 2010 By Derek Green A California state court in Placer County heard arguments Tuesday on a

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Opinion: ‘Narrow patriotism’ threatens freedom in WikiLeaks controversy

A journalism professor argues that the recent calls by conservative commentators to kill or prosecute WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for sabotage ignore the point that a free press best serves the public by engaging in responsible criticism. -db MediaShift Commentary December 14, 2010 By Stephen Ward A narrow patriotism — the psychological equivalent of a knee jerk — is an under-recognized force in modern journalism ethics. It distorts our thinking about the role of journalism

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