News & Opinion

A&A: Water Board repeatedly violates Brown Act

Q: I recently attended a meeting of a publicly-elected Water Board. There were three Brown Act violations during the meeting. One of the violations was attempted and the attorney for the Board interrupted the Board and informed them that they were in violation of the Brown Act. Subsequently, this same Board held an opening of a facility. They did not put the meeting on the calendar of the Board. Nor did they post a Board

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A&A: Who is allowed to sit in on closed sessions regarding hiring?

Q: Is a Current County CEO appointed by a Board of Supervisors allowed to sit in on the closed door meeting of interviewing new CEO candidates when 3 of the 6 inside candidates from the County work in the CEO’S Office. While this may be legal it is very troublesome because of power the current CEO wields with the Board of Supervisors. She may want her anointed one. Is there Brown Act laws which would

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A&A: Is banning R-rated films from classroom censorship?

Q: For approximately 20 years our school district has allowed rated R films to be shown, with parent permission. Furthermore, for approximately 15 years, our district has offered a Film and Literature class, which has featured numerous R-rated films. Pursuant to this policy, the district has approved this curriculum and has also purchased R-rated films to be shown in the class. Recently, despite there being no objections from students or parents, the district has put

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Journalists at odds over revealing chat logs between the accused Wikileaker and his accuser

The truth is out there columnist Glenn Greenwald insists if only would set it free.  An unexpected holiday word storm over transcripts of internet chats between accused Wikileaker PFC Bradley Manning and Adrian Lamo, the hacker who turned Manning in, has produced a  pile of column inches from Greenwald who asserts that writer Kevin Poulson is withholding  primary source material that would allow journalists to know whether the hacker turned informant is

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A&A: Where can I legally hand out flyers for my non-profit?

Q: I cannot find the answer to this legal question anywhere, or if I found something similar, the question is about a religious group or a signature gatherer for political purposes which might have an exemption or an inherent right to be soliciting. I work for a 501c3 part time and I would like to hand out flyers for our nonprofit. I would not be accepting any money, but rather talking to people at shopping

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