News & Opinion

Former CIA officer indicted for leaks to New York Times

The Obama administration indicted a former CIA officer, continuing its campaign to prosecute individuals for leaking classified information. -db The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press January 7, 2011 By Peter Haldis A former CIA officer was indicted last month for allegedly providing a New York Times reporter with classified information. He is the latest in a string of leakers prosecuted by the Obama administration. Jeffrey Sterling, 43, of O’Fallon, Mo., was indicted on 10 counts,

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Poll: Public needs more from open government initiative

A recent poll found that the general public wants greater access in the way of  online postings from local state and federal governments. Only 23.8 percent of governments have launched a data site. -db The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press January 5, 2011 By Christine Beckett Online access to government data is not meeting the needs or expectations of the general public, a survey conducted by data aggregator Socrata found. The results of

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Federal court says police leaders can talk to press

A federal court ruled that Flint, Michigan policemen who are union presidents or presidents of police-related groups are entitled to greater protection under the First Amendment than regular police officers. -db First Amendment Center January 4, 2011 By David L. Hudson Jr. Police officers have greater First Amendment rights to speak in their capacity as union presidents or presidents of other police-related organizations than they do as employees, a federal district court in Michigan has

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