News & Opinion

Prison Legal News denied death-scene photos of man murdered in prison

A federal appeals court ruled that releasing images, video and audio recordings concerning a murder in a Colorado federal prison would violate the privacy of the murdered prisoner’s family. -db The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press January 11, 2011 By Christine Beckett Releasing certain images, video and audio recordings regarding a prison murder and mutilation would violate the personal privacy of the prisoner’s family, the U.S. Court of Appeals in Denver (10th Cir.)

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A&A: Documents once public now denied

Q: In the past 3 years we have requested and received public records of the names and addresses of  individual medical technicians licensed by the state. The requested public records have been given to us by three different methods. 1. In electronic format by a typed document created by the State of California 2. In electronic excel format as provided medical technicians association 3. In paper copies as provided by that group. Since July 26

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Yee Introduces Constitutional Amendment to Bolster Brown Act

SCA 7 would ensure public-meetings law provisions are not suspended during budget difficulties. -sdl SACRAMENTO – A state senator has introduced a California constitutional amendment that would strengthen the Brown Act by requiring that government agencies provide notice of public meetings, even in lean budget times. Sen. Leland Yee, D-San Francisco, introduced Senate Constitutional Amendment 7 following what he said were too many instances of local, county and state government officials suspending the law during

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Supreme Court to hear two cases on scope of First Amendment

The Supreme Court has consented to hear two cases on the reach of the First Amendment, one on whether a vote cast by a public official is protected and another on whether information on physicians’ prescriptions is protected. -db First Amendment Center January 11, 2011 By Tony Mauro WASHINGTON — As well-developed as First Amendment law is, a threshold question still sometimes arises in cases that make their way to the Supreme Court: What does

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