News & Opinion

Wall Street Journal sues for access to Medicare fraud database

The Wall Street Journal has filed to overturn a longstanding injunction that blocks access to records of Medicare fraud and the doctors implicated in the fraud. -db Dow Jones Press Release January 25, 2011 NEW YORK – The publisher of The Wall Street Journal filed court papers today to overturn a 31-year-old court injunction that blocks public access to records containing evidence of Medicare fraud and the doctors behind it. The filing by Dow Jones

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New governors falter in upholding First Amendment

The executive director of the First Amendment Center says that too many new governors under oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution are hesitant about including the press in official events and granting public records requests in the process violating the First Amendment. -db First Amendment Center Commentary January 23, 2011 By Gene Policinski What’s in the gubernatorial water supply out there, when it comes to matters of the First Amendment? Just 45 words setting out

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Legal action over employee use of social media mounts

The Wall Street Journal Analysis January 21, 2011 By Jeanette Borzo When companies dismiss employees for what they consider harmful use of social media, the dismissals can backfire on the companies involving them in expensive lawsuits and damaging their reputations. -db

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