News & Opinion

High school student insulting teacher online gets suspension from school expunged

San Francisco Chronicle January 29, 2010 By Bob Egelko SACRAMENTO COUNTY – A high school sophomore suspended for calling his teacher a “fat ass” on Facebook had the infraction erased from his record after his principal conceded that the posting was not disruptive to the school environment. The American Civil Liberties Union had argued that the boy’s speech was protected under the First Amendment as it did not create “a material and substantial disruption” at

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Florida student vindicated after suspension for criticizing teacher online

A former student at a Florida high school who was suspended for Facebook posts criticizing a teacher settled with the school district. The district expunged the record of the suspension and paid $15,000 in attorney’s fees. -db Student Press Law Center January 20, 2011 By Aly Brumback FLORIDA – A former Pembroke Pines Charter High School student suspended for critical Facebook postings about her teacher has settled with the school after a three-year legal battle.

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New York Times distances itself from WikiLeaks

The New York Times Magazine Commentary January 26, 2011 By Bill Keller The New York Times’ editor-in-chief writes that while he opposes the U.S. government’s initiatives to prosecute WikiLeak’s founder Julian Assange and pass new laws to punish those disseminating classified information, WikiLeaks was a news source and not a partner or collaborator.

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Internet freedom reaffirmed in recent Chicago case

While the Blockowicz parents suffered greatly from scurrilous posts about their daughter, First Amendment Center’s Douglas Lee says their attempt to force a website to remove the posts was rightly denied in federal court thus making the internet “an even freer environment for speech.” -db First Amendment Center Commentary January 27, 2011 By Douglas Lee Speech in the United States never has been freer than it is now on the Internet. In every other mass

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