News & Opinion

Bill introduced in Congress to outlaw display of nooses

A Texas congresswoman had introduced a bill to make it a crime to display nooses to intimidate or harass others. -db First Amendment Center January 28, 2011 By David L. Hudson Jr. For the fourth straight year, a congresswoman from Texas has introduced a bill that would criminalize the display of nooses with the intent to intimidate or harass others. Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee introduced the Noose Hate Crime Act of 2011, H.R. 221,

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Congressman wants tracking of requests of Freedom of Information Act

The New York Times January 28, 2011 By Eric Lipton Republican Congressman Darrell Issa of California wants to promote transparency by collecting the names of citizens requesting copies of federal government documents, but while ordinarily embracing transparency and Issa’s goal of making agencies respond fairly and expediently, civil libertarians are worried that the information could be used against the citizens making the requests. -db

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