News & Opinion

‘Girls Gone Wild’ suit allowed to proceed anonymously

The federal appeals court in Atlanta ruled that plaintiffs could remain anonymous in suing video creator Joe Francis for filming them while they were underage engaging in nudity and sexual acts. -db The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press February 2, 2011 By Derek Green Several women suing the creator of the “Girls Gone Wild” video series will be allowed to proceed anonymously in the case, after a panel of the U.S. Court of

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Man charged with espionage uses First Amendment defense

A former foreign policy analyst under indictment for espionage filed motions to dismiss the charges arguing that the charges violate his First Amendment right to talk with the press. -db The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press February 2, 2011 By Kacey Deame A defendant charged with espionage for allegedly leaking “national defense information” to a news reporter has moved to have his case dismissed on First Amendment and other grounds. Stephen Kim, a

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A&A: University fails to make good faith effort to respond to records request

Q: I was laid off by the University of California this fall.  I subsequently submitted two CPRA requests regarding funding sources for my position. I requested that I be told if this information was to be withheld, but I was told that I had a right to this information. However, it has been three to four months with no result. I caught the office lying to me last month. It promised production of documents but

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A&A: CPRA not denied, but never produced by agency

Q: I have been waiting for a PRA request from the Dept. of Boating and Waterways since November 4, 2010. I made an additional request on December 2nd for one piece of paper that was referred to during the last commission meeting by the lead analyst. At this time I said I would drop all my previous requests that have gone unanswered for this one piece of paper. I sent someone over to their office

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