News & Opinion

Philadelphia: Tour guides’ free speech lawsuit stalls in federal appeals court

The 3rd Circuit federal appeals court ruled a free speech lawsuit brought by tour guides against the city of Philadelphia was premature since the ordinance in question had not been enforced as yet and the city lacked the funds to enforce it. The ordinance required tour guides to pass a history and geography test before they could be a guide. -db From Courthouse News Service, February 8, 2011, by Chris Fry. Full Story

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California: Dunsmuir sued again, this time for alleged open meeting violations

A former mayor of Dunsmuir is alleging there was a violation of California’s open meeting law, the Brown Act, by the city and several council members. The allegation centers on the claim that three council members were present at a meeting of Citizens for a Better Dunsmuir at which they discussed how to pay attorneys for a previous suit against the city. Experts differ over whether that constituted a Brown Act violation. -db From the Mount

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Sneaky transfer of redevelopment money exposed in Los Angeles

A community activist has filed a complaint with the Los Angeles District Attorney alleging that in its haste to protect redevelopment money under siege by Governor Jerry Brown’s proposed budget cuts, the Los Angeles Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) failed to comply with California’s open meeting law, the Brown Act. The activist followed the complaint with a letter asking the CRA for a “cure and correct” action that put an end to the agency’s intent to

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Help for investigative journalists over legal issues

The Online Media Legal Network (OMLN) is collaborating with an association of investigative reporters, the Investigative News Network (INN) to provide pro bono and low-cost legal help. INN members will have access to  the services of over 100 law firms and law school clinics with lawyers specializing in media law, intellectual property law and business advising. “Investigative and public service journalism is under threat, not just from declining revenue streams but also from government and

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Alternatives emerged after Egyptian government shut down Internet

During the Internet shutdown from January 28 to February 2, news continued to flow through the work of dedicated citizens determined to thwart the attempts at censorship. As Eva Galperin of the Electronic Frontier Foundation said: “For example, France Data Network (FDN) and Telecomix News Agency responded by providing dial-up access to Egyptians during the Internet blackout. In a press release, FDN characterized the blackout as an “open attack from a state against the Internet”

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