News & Opinion

Republican group launches site to monitor Obama transparency

Crossroads GPS, a Republican advocacy group, is creating to crowdsource FOIA files from those who have successfully obtained those files from the Obama administration. The site intends to document the Obama administration’s poor record in fulfilling FOIA requests, showcase the administration’s wasteful spending and its record of meeting with such groups as unions and liberal journalists. -db From Politico, March 23, 2011, by Mike Allen. Full Story

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Critic of Citizens United asks for disclosure of political ad donors

The Media Access Project is asking the Federal Communications Commission to force political groups to release the names of donors for political ads. The Project claims that the Communications Act of 1934 allows the release of the names of those actually paying for the ads. The Project’s proposal would require that there be  on-air disclosures of donors who pay for more than a quarter of a television commercial’s budget or more than a third of

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California: Oakdale investigating allegations of open meeting violation

The Oakdale City Council and staff are investigating charges brought by the Chamber of Commerce that a new member of its tourism board held an unauthorized meeting and used the meeting to criticize the chamber and its chief executive officer. The board member denied that she had attacked the chamber and its chief officer and said the meeting was called  to make introductions of herself and another board member to hotel operators. -db From the

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California: Open meeting violations suspected in firing of Sonoma County ag commissioner

Questions have arisen about the firing of the Sonoma County Agricultural Commissioner after it finally surfaced that she was fired by the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors. The supervisors could legally decide personnel matters in closed session but under the Brown Act, California’s open meeting law, were obliged to announce their actions promptly. The supervisors apparently made the decision on March 2 and sent the commissioner a notification of the decision with the reasons she

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CSU foundations must be more open to public, panel says

More than 90 foundations and private enterprises operate on California State University campuses, but it’s unclear how much of the $1.2 billion under their control should be subject to public scrutiny, an internal audit concludes. The audit panel, consisting of four campus presidents, five finance officers, a vice president and a student, said that accounting procedures are so unclear that public and private money is commingled. What’s more, the law should be changed to bring

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