News & Opinion

California: Family sues Clovis school officials for slandering their son

After Jacob Fleener, on his own time and on his own computer,  logged onto a Facebook page with a parody of his principal, he was taken out of his high school English class to be interrogated by two district police services officers.  The school officials recommended transferring him to an alternative school and gave a letter to his father accusing his son of identity theft. The school officials later relented and agreed to rescind the

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Principal censors student journalist stories on arrest of teacher found in car with teen-ager

A Kentucky high school principal has blocked publication of two stories for the school’s online publication on the arrest of a teacher caught half dressed in a car with a teen-ager. Although the district’s code of conduct and student bill of rights says school publications are free from censorship and prior restraint, the school district spokesman said the principal acted appropriately to secure as district policy states, “the rights of others or the orderly operations

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Citizen who tweeted raid on bin Laden compound provides challenge to traditional definition of journalist

In GigaOM, Mathew Ingram says the Pakistan computer programmer in Abbottabad who live-tweeted the U.S. raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound deserves the label of “citizen journalist.” As mainstream journalists have done in reporting live events, the man answered questions, sought and shared news reports, traded what he knew with others to find out what was happening, and shared information and analyzed it. Ingram says critics who try to consign people like the programmer to

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Insurance analyst says her reporting Medicare fraud got her fired

A Michigan insurance analyst is suing Priority Health Managed Benefits for firing her for reporting fraud after they asked to narrow her focus and ignore deletes or false or incorrect codes that would  bring the company Medicare over payments. The analyst felt the company was asking her to commit fraud and called the Medicare hotline in January. In February she and four other analysts were fired. From the Courthouse News Service, May 09, 2011, by

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Open government group plans to sue for photos of Osama bin Laden’s dead body

Judicial Watch is filing a request under the Freedom of Information act to obtain photos of Osama bin Laden after he was shot dead in a CIA raid in Pakistan. Judical Watch president Tom Fitton says the public’s right to know outweighs President Barack Obama’s reasons for withholding the photos, “We are prepared to sue if they don’t respond as they are supposed to under the law. I have not heard anything from the president

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