News & Opinion

WikiLeaks protects its information with threat of huge monetary penalty

To make sure that none of its treasure of leaked information is leaked, WikiLeaks is asking its associates to sign a nondisclosure agreement that the leaked information is solely the property of WikiLeaks, and should anyone leak this commercial property, they would be subject to a penalty of 12 million pounds or almost $20 million. WikiLeaks has yet to sell any of its information and an attempt to auction off e-mails of an aide to

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WikiLeaks investigation part of broader campaign against leakers

As a federal grand jury is preparing to look into the WikiLeaks release of classified U.S. Iraq and Afghanistan war documents, the Justice Department is aggressively pursuing others accused of leaking government secrets. Says Steven Aftergood of the Federation of American Scientists’ Secrecy News, “For people who are concerned about freedom of the press, access to national security information, it’s a worrisome development. Leaks serve a very valuable function as a kind of safety valve.

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Justice Department provides guidance on FOIA exemption

After a key ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court narrowing  exemption 2 of the Freedom of Information Act, the Justice Department issued new guidelines on records relating to internal personnel rules and practices of federal agencies. The guidelines recognized public interest in many issues heretofore regarded as internal personnel matters and kept under wraps. The Supreme Court decision came after a Puget Sound resident Glen Scott Milner sued for records on the Navy’s placement of

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Two Montana legislators sue author for fraud after revelations of falsehoods

Two state legislators are suing Greg Mortenson, author of a best-selling book about building schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan, asking a federal court to order the seizure of donations and proceeds from his book. The legislators’ lawyer said, The law says you cannot make misrepresentations, you cannot tell somebody something’s true and have them buy your book and make donations to your institute, when in fact it’s not true. That’s covered by fraud, deceit, unjust

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Free speech: Koch Industries loses case against nonprofit

Youth for Climate Truth (YFCT) created a website,, and issued a fake press release from Koch Industries, a company that has challenged the science of climate change. The release stated that the company had agreed not to fund organizations denying climate change. Koch sued YFCT on a number of grounds including trademark infringement. The judge threw the suit out  saying that  YFCT’s activities were not commercial and therefore protected by the First Amendment, not

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