News & Opinion

Minnesota court invokes Tinker in upholding punishment of student for off-campus speech

In one of the first cases concerning off-campus speech of college students, the Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled that the University of Minnesota was justified in disciplining a former student in the mortuary program for her Facebooks posts in 2009. The university claimed the student violated the student code of conduct and gave her a failing grade in her anatomy-laboratory class and put her on academic probation for the rest of her undergraduate years. In

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US media shouldn’t rush to hang Murdoch’s News Corp for the sins of its London tabloids. Let’s wait to see the evidence.

BY PETER SCHEER—The economic forces that pummeled every American newspaper from the New York Times to the San Francisco Chronicle have barely disturbed Rupert Murdoch’s media properties. The Wall Street Journal, for one, has not only weathered the storm that decimated competitors’ newsrooms, but it has added editorial staff, news features and online resources. This considerable achievement, however, did nothing to insulate News Corp from the firestorm of scandal involving its tabloid newspapers in Great

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L.A. Times editorial: Punish Murdoch, not the press

The British government is considering legislation to curtail the press after the phone-hacking scandal perpetrated by the News of the World including monitoring contacts between national newspapers and politicians. An editorial in the Los Angeles Times argues: “No one, journalists included, should defend the hackers. Their behavior — including the now-infamous deletion of messages from the cellphone of a missing 13-year-old girl — was unforgivable, unethical and most likely illegal. But, even where the tabloid

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California: Glendale councilman claims council violated open meetings law

Glendale city councilman Rafi Manoukian has alleged that the council violated the Brown Act, the state’s open meeting law, when they held a closed meeting on the topic of the city manager’s impending retirement. Although Manoukian would not say what his allegation entailed, the closed session on the city manager was posted as “Performance Evaluation – City Manager”. Since the city manager told the council he wanted to retire, it could be that issues other

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California: Allegations that Santa Barbara City College trustees violated open meeting law

An activist group that opposes four recently elected trustees of the Santa Barbara College Board alleged that the board violated the Brown Act, California’s open meeting act. The group is charging that in evaluating the Superintendent-President Andreea Serban, the board failed to disclose the results of her evaluation. The group is pressing for a satisfactory evaluation for Serban, but the board president said there was no conclusion on her evaluation. -db From the Daily Sound,

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