News & Opinion

Federal court reinstates suit against police department for free speech violation

A federal appeals court said a former Middletown, New York  police officer could sue his police department over his firing after  the department allegedly asked him to lie about an excessive force claim against a fellow officer. A lower court had ruled that the officer had no standing to sue since his speech was part of his job performance rather than the expression of a private citizen. -db From Your News Now , July 22,

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Activist group plans to join with media to release e-mails hacked from Murdoch’s News International

The activist collective LulzSec announced it will join with as yet unnamed media outlets to release e-mails obtained through a cyber attack on News International, the Rupert Murdoch company. Murdoch is struggling to contain the phone-hacking scandal that threatens his empire. Writing in The Register, John Leyden is unsure about who would cooperate with LulzSec, “Any mainstream media outlet that published the information may have some ethical qualms about dealing with the anarchic hacking collective,

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Illinois: Feds back university in records dispute

The Justice Department and higher education organizations filed briefs in federal court backing the University of Illinois in its refusal to release student records. The Chicago Tribune is seeking the records of students as part of a series of stories about alleged favoritism shown to some applicants to the university. The Justice Department noted that any university receiving federal funds was prohibited by a federal privacy law to release specific student records such as grades, test

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Press under fire as Murdoch tries to play down scandal

Claims that News Corps. phone-hacking scandal has been blown to unfair proportions by opponents with a “commercial or political agenda” do not stand up given the public record of criminal activity writes Ryan Chittum for the Columbia Journalism Review. It’s true that rival newspapers in UK are eager to air out News Corporation’s dirty drawers, but the seriousness of the wrongdoing justifies their zest for the story. Writes Chittum, “For starters, executives, editors, and reporters

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Migraine statement: Reporter treated roughly by candidate’s staff

Two aides for Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann roughed up ABC investigative reporter Brian Ross when he approached her car to ask followup questions after her statement explaining her migraines. Michael Crowley of Time Magazine, says the incident raises questions about Bachmann’s readiness for the pressure, “The more pertinent question may have to do with Bachmann’s preparedness for the campaign circus. Running for President, at least in its early retail stage, requires a willingness to

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