News & Opinion

Company recruiting schools for Chinese students claims Christian school defamed it

United Students Association that places Chinese students in private Christian school is suing a school in Oregon for abandoning its contract and libeling the recruiter, costing the Texas corporation in revenue and reputation. The complaint reads that the Salem Academy reneged on its contract to take 15 students then sent  “a number of false and defamatory emails to other schools that went on the China trip, all aimed at impugning the credibility of USA Program….

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Pennsylvania divorce brings free-speech wrangle after man defies judge with online rants

Bitter online postings during a child custody battle put a Pennsylvania man in conflict with a Bucks County judge over the man’s First Amendment rights. The judge ordered the man to take down a website castigating his ex-wife. Two days after the order, two new postings appeared one of which pledged to honor the judge’s order, but the other criticized his ex-wife and the judge and stated the judge had no power to regulate

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Student free speech takes another pasting in ruling on Internet postings

A federal appeals court ruled that students can be punished at school for their postings on MySpace even if the postings are made off campus in the students’ own time. The court found that the postings were disruptive to the school according to the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case Tinker v. Des Moines. Frank LoMonte, executive director of the Student Press Law Center, thought it was wrong to apply Tinker to off-campus speech and also

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Federal court: Settlement agreement between restaurant chain and employees open to public

Even though both parties agreed to seal the court records on the case, the federal district trial court judge ruled that a settlement agreement between the a restaurant chain and a group of employees over alleged violations of federal employment law must be open to the public. The judge said, “Few principles have as long a pedigree and are as well-settled as the public’s right of access to court proceedings and judicial documents. With strong

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A&A: Denied right to have job termination discussed in open meeting

Q: I was accused of conflict of interest and fired from my job at the Community College District. I requested an open session for the appeal to the Board for my termination and was denied. I made three requests in writing, all of which were denied by the District. I believe it is my right to an open session according to the Brown Act. A: There are situations where legislative bodies may hold meetings that

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