News & Opinion

A&A: Should complaints against belligerent councilman be public?

Q: I am a reporter trying to access public records  for two investigations regarding incidents involving a City Councilman — one at a city-owned clubhouse and the other at a local transit agency. Both of my public records requsts have been rejected because officials say it is a personnel matter. In the transit agency’s rejection letter, which is the one I received most recently, it cites California Gov. Code 6254(c)and(k) as well as City of

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A&A: Can law enforcement seal a search warrant that gathered evidence on a civil case?

Q: 1) Can a law enforcement agency use a search warrant to gather evidence in an anticipated civil case? 2) Can that same agency seal a search warrant used solely to acquire information for an expected civil case? 3) Where can I find the law on this, so that I may reference it in conversations with this agency? Thank you very much. A: Although your first question is beyond the scope of our expertise (which

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California: District Attorney cuffs Novato City Council for open meeting violation

The Marin County District Attorney criticized the Novato City Council for deciding at the last minute to discuss an issue without informing the public. The issue concerned affordable housing, of great interest to the public. The council agreed to readdress the matter at a future meeting. -db From the Marin Independent Journal, August 16, 2011 by Bob Rogers. Full story

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Bid to open debt reduction committee proceedings

Some members of Congress are worried that the recently appointed debt reduction committee will make its decisions behind closed doors. In the agreement establishing the committee, there were no provisions for public meetings, hearings or lobbying disclosures. Other open government advocates are calling for the proceedings to be telecast or webcast. -db From CNNMoney, August 17, 2011, by Charles Riley. Full story

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Mandated graphic images on cigarette packs raise free speech issues

A number of tobacco firms are suing the Food and Drug Administration for forcing them to put images and warnings on cigarette packs warning consumers of the dangers of smoking. Writing for the First Amendment Center, Ken Paulson highlights the importance of the lawsuit, “Courts have long upheld mandated warnings in narrow areas of consumer protection and safety, but the new FDA warnings require unprecedented levels of scope and visibility. In the end, this case

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