News & Opinion

Obama administration bids to withhold Osama bin Laden death images

The Justice Department filed a motion in federal court claiming that the death photos and videos of Osama bin Laden should be exempted from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. The CIA said that releasing the graphic images of bin Laden would “cause harm to the national security of the United States” by provoking acts of revenge against the U.S. -db From The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, September 27, 2011,

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Hold on releasing Prop. 8 trial videos

The videos of  Prop. 8 lawsuit videos will not be released while  federal appeals court considers whether the videos would endanger witnesses and compromise the credibility and integrity of the federal judiciary. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a temporary hold on the videos after Chief  U.S.District Judge James Ware ruled on Sept. 19 that the videos be released. -db From the San Francisco Chronicle, September 28, 2011, by Bob Egelko. Full story

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A&A:Denied access to county’s seismic studies

Q: I have been seeking access to seismic studies performed as part of the county’s subway extension process but my request has been denied. I would like to make the request under the FOIA. How should I do this? Does the County have its own FOIA? A: Since it sounds like the agency you are seeking records from is a local agency, as opposed to a federal agency, you would probably want to make your

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Opinion: Los Angeles supervisors fake it in closing public out

An editorial in the Los Angeles Times argues there few reasonable justifications for the Los Angeles County supervisors to hold discussions with Gov. Jerry Brown behind closed doors on the impending shift of inmates and  parolees to local control. In discussing policy concerning the shift, the supervisors claimed they had to meet privately to confer about security. -db From an editorial by the Los Angeles Times, September 27, 2011. Full story

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San Diego newspaper files anti-SLAPP motion on health care district

The San Diego Union Tribune is filing a motion against the Tri-City Healthcare District claiming that the district’s lawsuit against them is an attempt to silence them, a violation of California law. The dispute began with Tri-City’s mistakenly sending the newspaper attorney-client information which the newspaper returned, but Tri-City is suing to block use of the information. -db From the San Diego Union-Tribune, September 26, 2011, by Ricky Young. Full story

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