News & Opinion

A&A: Can’t access documents because the staff member in possession is on extended vacation

Q: I requested e-mail records from a  public agency months ago. I am still waiting for many of these records and have been informed that the person who has access to these records will be on vacation for at least another month. Does the government have the right to delay responding to my request for months due to vacations? If not, do you have any cases I can mention to the agency that cover this

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Federal judge orders trial in convicted terrorist’s First Amendment challenge

Although prisoners have routinely failed to successfully challenge strict confinement, a federal district judge in Colorado ruled that a convicted terrorist could have his day in court to contend that his First Amendment rights are being violated by prison authorities. Convicted of participating in the bombing of the American Embassy in Tanzania in 1998, the prisoner is almost completely prevented from communicating with outsiders, and his communications with lawyers and family are restricted and closely

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Australia Broadcasting Corporation reports key desertion rendering WikiLeaks impotent

The Australia Broadcasting Corporation reports that the future of WikiLeaks is threatened as a key figure in the organization called “The Architect” left the organization taking with him the submission system or drop box which was his creation. Now WikiLeaks has no way to receive submissions from whistleblowers and protect their identities. WhistleLeaks founder Julian Assange denied that the organization was in crisis. -db From the Australia Broadcasting Corporation, October 4, 2011, by Andrew Fowler

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Press freedom award goes to college newspaper in Southern California

The Sun of Southwestern College in Chula Vista, California has been awarded the 2011 College Press Freedom Award from the Student Press Law Center and the Associated Collegiate Press. The editors and staff continued to publish The Sun as the administration ordered it shut down. “The administrators of Southwestern College threw everything they had at these journalists, even threatening them with a trumped-up criminal investigation, and through it all, the journalists kept on doing exactly

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Free speech: Mexican citizens murdered for using Internet to speak out against drug violence

Mexican drug cartels are murdering journalists and bloggers using the Internet and social media to protest the cartels’ drug-related violence. The Electronic Freedom Foundation makes some suggestions for Mexican citizens who want to continue the protests, “EFF recommends that bloggers who are concerned about their security and safety should post under a pseudonym, use Tor to prevent eavesdroppers from seeing the sites they visit and prevent websites from collecting data that might reveal their physical

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