News & Opinion

California: Advocates for Palos Verde high school stadium lights claim open meeting violation

The Friends of Friday Night Football filed a lawsuit against the Palos Verdes Peninsula United School District claiming the district violated the Brown Act, the state’s open meeting law, when they abruptly voted to shut down a project to provide stadium lights. The advocates of stadium lights had raised money from the project and proceeded with the approval of the district until neighbors near the school stated their opposition to the lights. The advocates said

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A&A: When government outsources program are documents public?

Q: I have asked the city for a particular statistical report about their red light camera system. They have refused to provide the records, and have ignored my offer to pay (per GC 6253.9(b)). The requested report is one which a city can obtain by going to the website of their red light camera vendor, selecting the report from an on-screen menu of report types, then selecting the intersection to be covered by the report,

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A&A: Can my city require six days notice for a permit to picket or is that prior restraint?

Q: The city has drafted a new ordinance that requires six days notice and a permit to picket or demonstrate on main drags, and two-to-four days on smaller ones. Is this a violation of free speech rights/ A: Public streets are generally considered public forums — in fact, they have been called “‘the archetype of a traditional public forum.’” Gaudiya Vaishnava Soc. v. San Francisco, 952 F.2d 1059, 1065 (9th Cir. 1991) (quoting Frisby v.

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Steve Jobs vs. The Beatles, and other thoughts on the passing of a superstar

BY PETER SCHEER–Steve Jobs died at age 56, a young man. But one of the things that stands out about him is the longevity of his superstardom. Jimmy Carter was president when Jobs first appeared on the scene as the bearded personification of high-tech cool. From the early Apple PCs to the launch of the Mac, his involvement in Pixar, his return to a humbled Apple and its reinvention as a dominant force in the

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California court rejects libel suit against Korean-language news company

A California appeals court ruled that the Korean Broadcasting System had not defamed Yuin University in statements that it was a “degree factory.” A judge wrote that “since the ‘degree factory’ statement was cautiously phrased in terms of apparency, the statement is less likely to be reasonably understood as a statement of fact rather than opinion” and hence protected speech. -db From the Metropolitan News-Enterprise, October 6, 201, by Sherri M. Okamoto. Full story

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